Hello, dear reader. I hope you're having a wonderful first day of 2016, and I hope you're thoroughly hungover in the wake of what was a wonderful New Year's Eve. Furthermore, I hope you're laying in bed, perusing Mr. Man for some light entertainment, and I hope you're doing so in the most comfortable, accessible way possible: Totally nude.

Just in case you're not and need a reminder of what you're missing out on, I gathered a few nude hungover dudes together to give you a small taste of what you're missing. Sure, they look like they're hurting a little, but so are you.

Mark Wahlberg in Rock Star (2001)

Mark Wahlberg in Rock Star

Miles TellerandSkylar Astin in 21 Over(2013)

Teller and Astin in 21 & Over

Channing Tatum in Magic Mike (2012)

Channing Tatum

Brad Pitt in Troy (2004)

Brad Pitt Troy

I will say this much: I hope you partied somewhere other than your own home and don't have to clean up a mess like one of those.

Happy New Year!