Total icon Anjelica Huston is simply a fascinating person and the fact that she was Jack Nicholson's very long-term girlfriend is a footnote of her fantastic career. Ordinarily, we wouldn't even mention it here, but homegirl just confirmed on Watch What Happens Livethat her very famous ex-lover was "very big" down there.

It's not fair that we have never actually seen Jack Nicholson's penis. You'd think if it truly was this big specimen, that he would have been proud to show it off. We did see his balls for a brief flash in Carnal Knowledge. Yeah, we would love some more carnal knowledge of his specimen.

It's such a shame that this stud in the 70s never had the courage to show off his cock. That definitely would have been the time to do it!

Jack still has a chance to show us what he's working with. We're still waiting, Dickolson!