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Chad Lindberg

Chad Lindberg Nude

Brief Nudity

Keywords: Brief Nudity, White, Blond Hair

Nude Roles: 1

Birthplace: Mount Vernon, Washington, US

Date of Birth: 11/01/76

Real Name: Chad Tyler Lindberg

Top Chad Lindberg Scenes

The Fast and the Furious (2001) Sexy, shirtless 00:01:35 Vin Diesel, Chad Lindberg, and Paul Walker. All shirtless. And all in the same place. (1 min 18 secs)
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Chad Lindberg has single-handedly mastered the art of the small roles. It’s a thankless job, appearing in film after film, portraying a minor character that is needed to fill a scene but not necessarily needed to advance the plot. But if it weren’t for actors like Chad, the film industry would suffer, so Mr. Man salutes these willing and able thespians for their contributions. Film enthusiast might know Chad for his debut role as “Burger Boss” in the gorilla-filled adventure flick Born to Be Wild (1995), or you probably remember him for his role as the stuttering mechanic in the epic action movie The Fast and the Furious (2001). If not, we’re sure you remember the slender fellow for his butt-baring sauna scene in the 1999 comedy The White River Kid (1999). Eleven years later, Chad’s cheeks made their second appearance, showing up during an uncool scene in the unnecessary remake I Spit on Your Grave (2010). With an ass like that, Chad will have you spitting in your hand!