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Luke Guldan

Luke Guldan Nude

Brief Nudity

Top Luke Guldan Scenes

Broad City (2014-2017) Sexy, sexy, shirtless, straight Ep. 01x06 | 00:09:00 Luke Guldan gives us a look at his amazing physique while resting in bed. (38 secs)
Broad City (2014-2017) Sexy, sexy, shirtless Ep. 01x06 | 00:21:00 Luke gets kicked out of bed and flexes his abs. (16 secs)
The Good Place (2016-2019) Sexy, shirtless Ep. 01x13 | 00:59:12 Luke Guldan proclaims his love for working out while he peels off his T-shirt. Yum! (12 secs)
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Goddamn does Luke Guldan have a nice body! Born in Milwaukee and reared in New York, Luke is one part hayseed, one part big city and a whole lotta sexy! If you don’t believe us, check out his steamy photo shoots for mags like Muscle & Fitness, GQ and Cosmopolitan. Wow! The breathtaking babe who has held titles like "Mr. Teen Empire State" and the INBF's "Mr. Fitness" actually got into pumping iron with an eye on building a screen worthy body, so it wasn't a shock that Luke jumped from the pages of your favorite magazine to the boob tube. Luke got his start as Sullivan Baker on Gossip Girl, but really had the girls talking when Luke shucked his shirt and showed off his amazing abs on the hipster-friendly comedy series Broad City. As the horrifically cringey improv comedy actor Tyler, Luke just gave every broad, and plenty of fellas, a one-way ticket to masturbation city! Wait, self pleasure is a sin. Nevermind, we're more than happy to head to the bad place since Luke was a torturer named Chris Baker there, as shown on NBC's afterlife hit comedy The Good Place. Luke's nearly constantly shirtless on that show, proving when you've got a body like that there's no bad place for you to take your top off. Wish he'd touch our naughty place! Luke got a lot sexier in the modern take on fairy tale anthologies Tell Me a Story (2018). Okay, we'll tell you a story about Luke hanging out in his thong to display a mighty package, as well as his ass when he got involved in a gay threesome before ultimately being murdered. Most recently Luke joined The Incredible Hulk's kid Lou Ferrigno Jr. in the sci-fi flick Final Frequency (2021). We want to see Luke Guldan naked very frequently!