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The Eleventh Commandment

The Eleventh Commandment (1986)

No Nudity

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You know a horror movie like The Eleventh Commandment from 1986 is going to be amazing when it has the second Darrin from BewitchedDick Sargent as one of the leads! Just an observation from years of watching horror flicks that if a star from a 60s sitcom is taking over a major role, you better buckle up for a sexy blood bath of epic proportions!  This story opens on Robert Knight (the always excellent Bernard White) who has been unjustly and unfoundedly admitted into a mental asylum by his uncle Charles (Dick Sargent), as he is released back into the world, he sets out to exact his revenge on his estranged uncle who wronged him and ruined his once promising life by convincing everyone that he is cuckoo bananas and killed his father!  We all know the best way to convince people you aren't a dangerous nut job is of course to go on a killing spree to prove your uncle is in fact the bad guy!  Along the way Robert meets and finds a 9-year-old cousin who he decides he can save from his evil family while taking some good old fashioned vengeance out on his extended family who all seem to be in on the plot to destroy him!  Lucky for us, it wouldn't be an 80s horror movie without some scantily clad 80s beefcake and we some side butt from Greg Mullavey while he pulls up his boxers.  We also get the sultry Bernard White sans shirt in a scene, which is great to see him as a young guy because we only recognize him as a silver fox now, but he was definitely an 80s babe too!