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The Sunday Woman

The Sunday Woman (1976)

No Nudity

Top Scene


La donna della domenica, which translates in English to The Sunday Woman, is an Italian mystery movie that stars Marcello Mastroianni - the famous Italian leading man who starred in seminal Italian classics like La Dolce Vita and 8 1/2. In La donna della domenica Marcello plays a detective investigating the murder of a famous architect. Real life sex symbol Jacqueline Bisset is initially pegged for the murder, however Marcello's investigation reveals that this mystery is far more complex than first meets the eye. As we said, Marcello Mastroianni is about as big as you can get in Italian cinema, and we'll take any chance we can get to see this distinguished slice of man meat out of his clothes. In our favorite scene we can appreciate his hairy, manly chest as he chills in bed. No nudity, no problem, he's still as sexy as ever here. Sunday funday!