K.J. Apa turns twenty six years old today, and we're celebrating, naturally, by checking out the GIFs that fully showcase just how perfect his body is. It's what he would want! Looking at K.J. Apa's shirtless scenes in his iconic series Riverdale will either make you feel envious (for how can a body even be this perfect?), hungry (as Apa has clearly transcended our petty mortal need for sustenance), or thirsty (for obvious reasons). Maybe you'll feel some mixture of the three. Whatever the case, we can all agree that the world was far better off the second Apa first revealed his torso on the set of Riverdale when he was eighteen years old, and it's only gotten better since. We lust you, K.J.! Never change.

Of course, most of you know by now that we've actually seen K.J. Apa nude twice. He first teased his butt on an episode of Ellen, when he accidentally/on purpose shared a reflection of his butt in a window when wishing Ellen a happy birthday in a video message. He later gave us the real deal in his thriller Songbird while taking a soapy outdoor shower in broad daylight. However, today is mostly about his shirtless Riverdale journey, (although we won't blame you for clicking on these links to see him naked.)

Top Ten Shirtless GIFs Of K.J. Apa In Riverdale