Theo James has remained strategically covered throughout sixteen - yes, sixteen! - nude scenes in his hit softcore mom porn series The Time Traveler's Wife. But finally, five episodes into the premiere season, Theo went frontal. Majorly frontal!

Most people fell in love with Theo James in the Divergent movies, where he played Four. His name might have been Four, but mamaw, this man was a ten out of ten. Theo James delivered a fantastic nude scene in 2019 in the series Sanditon, which let us know that he was up for showing off what the good Lord gave him. Theo has just one hell of a body complete with a fat juicy ass that one simply has to see to believe.

This little exhibitionist went on to star in one of the nudest roles in television history - the main love interest in The Time Traveler's Wife. Theo plays a Chicago librarian born with a mutation that makes him spontaneously time travel... naked. After time-traveling strategically nude for five episodes, Theo just gave up the goods, and this man is packing some serious heat.

Clip Of Theo James' Penis In The Time Traveler's Wife

Theo James has a fantastic manly package and we could watch his penis and balls flopping around in this nude scene until the end of time... travel. Check out some awesome GIFs of Theo James' full frontal nude scenes, and make sure to check out the full clips so you don't miss a thing!

GIFs Of Theo James' Penis In The Time Traveler's Wife