Any self-respecting flesh fiend can admit with no reservations that male specimens heralding from South America are some of the sexiest kinds on the planet. The jury is still out on why this is, but Man Central researchers point to genetics, clean water, and plentiful sunlight. Whatever the root cause of their sexiness, you can see a case in point in Brian Buley. Heis an Argentinean actor and boner inspirer perhaps best known for his work in the crime drama El Marginal. Here, he plays a prison inmate who has no problem showing off his goods for all of us to enjoy. Just because this hot stud is a little person doesn't mean that what he's offering isn't huge. We would do anything to be locked in a cell with this tiny, tough guy for a nice long stretch! While we wait patiently for that day to come, you at home can placate your lust for this little piece of man meat by watching some of his other silver screen roles. Find him in flicks like The Dirty Saints (2009), Dromomanos (2012), Bruno Motoneta (2018), El amor es mas facil (2020), and Secret Voices (2021). You can also find Brian in several reality TV ventures on series such as Telefe Deportes, Nunca es trade, Incorrectas, No es tan tarde, PH: Podemos hablar, Con Amigos Asi, and many others. With any luck, Mr. Man will find much more masturbation fuel featuring Brian Buley and his bodacious balls, bulge, and seat meat.