Hunky zaddy Matthew Wilkas is an actor, writer, and the former boyfriend of Olympian Gus Kenworthy. Yeah, remember that perfect couple? Well, they've been broken up for a while since the summer, so feel free to daydream about sliding into Matt's DM's. You'll definitely want to after you see his hairy ass in the Netflix drag queen sitcom (lol what?) AJ and the Queen.

Check Out Matthew Wilkas' Hairy Ass in AJ and The Queen

Bow to the queen that is Matthew's perfectly shaped ass. But, honey, there's a new sheriff in town and that sheriff is Matt's onscreen lover's humungous hiney. Constantine Rousouli saw Wilkas' buns and said: "hold my beer" and "hold my underwear" as he totally blew him out of the water with this serious dumper.

Check Out Matthew Wilkas' Hairy Ass in AJ and The Queen

Yay-sus Christo! Is this ass for real?

Check Out Matthew Wilkas' Hairy Ass in AJ and The Queen

Oh, and do you need one more butt? Josh Segarra has got you covered because he is uncovered.

Check Out Matthew Wilkas' Hairy Ass in AJ and The Queen

RuPaul is absolutely clothed, but that's neither here nor there. Ru knows how to surround himself with ass-a-plenty and we love that for him. If you're RuPaul, why not hire Matthew Wilkas to undress on camera? Lights, camera, ass-tion!