We are all eagerly awaiting the brand new Thor film directed by the one and only Taika Waititi. Taika knows what he is doing and his star, Chris Hemsworth, also knows what he is doing. What are these men doing exactly? Turning us all the way on! They have outdone themselves with this brand new trailer for Thor that shows Chris' ass.

Well...not so fast. The booty comes all the way at the end of the two-minute trailer AND it is blurred out. Dang it. What a tease! All of the women in the court basically drop dead, gagging over how huge his cock presumably is. Again, we do not see this because it is sinfully blurred out. We only get to see everyone react to what they see. This kind of tease should be illegal! I should be able to call the cops on this!

Chris Hemsworth Gets Naked in New Thor Trailer

Hey, it's okay. It's okay because we have seen Chris Hemsworth's ass in the past. He acted in the Aussie film Rush and had us all rushing in our pants to check him out in the buff. He mostly keeps things shirtless these days, but I am grateful that we have at least seen his ass. I have to wonder: is the blurred butt just for the trailer? Are we going to see an uncensored version at some point? I have more questions than answers.

Chris Hemsworth Gets Naked in New Thor Trailer

Chris Hemsworth Gets Naked in New Thor Trailer

Evan Taika has been teasing us. We haven't seen him in the buff, but we have seen him make out with his co-star Rhys Darby in the gay pirate romantic comedy series Our Flag Means Death. While the show is really funny and sweet - I honestly love it - it is certainly also PG when it comes to gayness. All of the characters may be queer, but they are really all just smooching and confessing their feelings to one another while making slight innuendos.

All the same, Taika is HOT as Blackbeard. Whether he is behind or in front of the camera, I have to say that I am a fan. Check out one of these scenes to see what I am talking about as we anticipate Thor: