Just in time for the holidays, an entire raunchy franchise filled with nudity is available to take home on Blu-Ray. Now you can buy all three films in one bulging package! Read on for details…

The Hangover

It starts off with the original blockbuster comedy that unleashed Zach Galifiniakis on the world - and his bare booty cheeks. Not to mention that first unforgettable Ken Jeong scene where he springs up completely nude (sporting a prosthetic penis) out of the trunk of a car and starts beating the boys with a crowbar.

COMING TO BLU-RAY: The Hangover Trilogy 12.19.23COMING TO BLU-RAY: The Hangover Trilogy 12.19.23


The Hangover Part II

The 2011 follow up that took the pack to Thailand brings back naked Ken Jeong and his tiny prosthetic for more shenanigans.

COMING TO BLU-RAY: The Hangover Trilogy 12.19.23


The Hangover Part III

Even though Bradley Cooper is standing right there, the trilogy still somehow officially becomes about finding new reasons for Ken Jeong to be nude. He shows up in the buff with a samurai sword as well as his little prosthetic pork sword, per usual.

COMING TO BLU-RAY: The Hangover Trilogy 12.19.23
