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Damian T. Raven

Damian T. Raven Sexy

No Nudity

Keywords: No Nudity, Black, Bald Hair, Porn Star

Birthplace: San Jose, California, US


Damian T. Raven’s career in the entertainment industry started at a young age when he signed with an agency at the age of five and began appearing in ads for companies like Levi’s and Macy’s. As he grew up, his interests expanded into martial arts, yoga, and music even forming a couple of bands and singing at a variety of events. Eventually, he narrowed his focus to acting. With more than 20 acting credits on his resume, it looks like he made the right choice. It’s a pubetastic moment when Damian gets naked and busy in Kiss and Kill (2017) when he bends a woman over a desk and takes her from behind. We get to see his upper body and some side nudity. When he backs up a little we see some of his man bush so it is pretty clear he is going full commando here.