Colton Haynes is one of the defining openly gay actors of our generation, and what's truly enviable is that the thirty-one-year-old starlet just keeps getting hotter and hotter! He recently took to Instagram to share a pic of his shredded beach bod. Haynes has a naughty nipple piercing, hairy chest, bulging toned muscles, and hisbottoms are so low that we even get a great look at his defined cum gutters!

Of course, no matter how much of his sexy self Colton shares on Instagram, he'll never be able to outdo his scene in 2017's Rough Night. In the girls comedy he plays a stripper, and thanks to a wardrobe malfunction we get a look at his balls!

And lest not forget 2010's Look. The short-lived HBO series delivered the best look at Haynes' tight smooth butt to date.

Gay Celeb Colton Haynes Shows Nipple Piercing And Major Cum Gutters

Colton, keep up the good werk!