You ever just find yourself dreaming about Christopher Abbott's buns? We definitely do, so we wanted to give an appreciation post for this actor whofirst wowed us in Girlsand has since proven himself to be a very serious actor with a very seriously sexy derriere. Let's hear it for our #MCM Christopher Abbott!

Man Crush Monday: Christopher Abbott

He recently had some great sex scenes in the movie Katie Says Goodbye, but most of the action was in the dark. We only really got a good look at him when he sat up naked in bed to show us a thicker and hotter body than he had in his early Girls days.

Man Crush Monday: Christopher AbbottMan Crush Monday: Christopher Abbott

However, his real amazing work came in the Hulu miniseries Catch-22 in which he was naked for like...all of it. Chris showed his ass a lot and, honestly, the only real Catch-22 was that we didn't get to see his dick.

Man Crush Monday: Christopher AbbottMan Crush Monday: Christopher Abbott

He seems very comfortable with his nudity which makes us hopeful for much more in the future. Just look at this hunk. We're swooning simply thinking about the possibility of more from Christopher Abbott.

Man Crush Monday: Christopher Abbott