Author Joseph Heller's iconic satirical war novel Catch-22 is more semen-al than seminal with this surprisingly sexy 2019 Hulu miniseries reimagining! Also named Catch-22, Christopher Abbott, of Girls fame, plays an Air Force bombardier named John Yossarian who is fed up with the increasingly dangerous and nonsensical demands thrown at him from the military bureaucracy. John decided to be a bomber because the training took so long that he figured the war might end before he was done. That didn't work out, and now Yossarian is stuck in Italy flying increasingly dangerous bombing missions. Far from a fearless soldier, Yossarian is obsessed with getting out of the military, but Colonel Cathcart (Kyle Chandler) keeps increasing the number of missions he has to fly before he can go home. He can't even pretend to be crazy because the "Catch-22" rule dictates that a man is insane if he willingly assumes certain death in a war situation. But he's deemed sane if he asks to be excused from said situations. However, sanity is a sign that someone is ineligible for dismissal. It's a real, what's the phrase, Catch-22. Alongside his tentmates like the wannabe businessman Milo Minderbinder (Daniel David Stewart), the dangerous misogynist Aarfy Aardvark (Rafi Gavron) and Yossarian's equally unhappy with military life buddy Ivor Orr (Graham Patrick Martin), Yassarian does his best to drop some bombs and go home in one piece. Mr. Man would happily drop some bombs on the Axis if it meant being around hot pieces of ass dropping trou like the ones on this show! The adorable Mr. Abbott just can't seem to keep his clothes on, and we see his tight ass as he walks around in broad daylight, as well as while he gets physical with George Clooney, and even during a sexy group shower. Then, when he gets a new tentmate we see his cock and balls as he gives him a naked greeting. That flyboy will have you zipping down your fly! In the nudity world, Abbott is joined by Austin Stowell, Pico Alexander, Austin Stowell and Jon Rudnitsky, who all show their bodies in the group shower. These guys are dental damned if they do, dental damned if they don't! Right? Eh? Catch a look at the hottest pilots ever put to screen on Hulu's Catch-22!