The handsomely self-aware actor Christopher Abbott emerged from his middle class upbringing in Greenwich, Connecticut to become one of the hottest young actors in Hollywood. Thanks to his role as Charlie Dattolo, the pushover boyfriend of Marnie on the hit hipster HBO series Girls, he got a taste of stardom. Fed up with his cardboard cut-out character, Christopher abruptly left the show and moved on to more challenge roles. Before being pushed around by Marnie, the muscularly-defined actor heated up the films Martha Marcy May Marlene (2011), Hello I Must Be Going (2012), All That I Am (2013), and A Most Violent Year (2014). But it was the psychological drama The Sleepwalker (2014) that really heated things up, thanks to Christopher showing off his beefy buns while banging a chick in a darkly-lit, emotionally-charged scene. With an ass like that, Mr. Abbott will give you a masturbating habit! Chris made headlines with his 2019 turn on the miniseries Catch-22, where we catch like 22 looks at his perfect nude bod! Well, not quite 22, but a lot! Now that this cutie officially a star on the rise, he's going to be giving every a rise in their dungarees because he's amped up the on-screen skin like nobody's business! He's dropped his pants in Black Bear (2020), letting us see his cheeks again. Later the same year, he unsheathed the top of that thick shaft by pulling down his boxers in Possessor (2020). He's also given us some old-timey, period piece patootie again with a bun bearing bedside nude scene as the jealous husband to Vanessa Kirby in The World to Come (2021). We have a pretty good idea of what's to CUM for us, especially when seeing this stud hit the screen!