Rural Massachusetts serves as the backdrop for the psychological drama The Sleepwalker (2014). Twenty-somethings Andrew (Christopher Abbott) and his girlfriend Kaia (Gitte Witt) enjoy a quiet life together, spending their days repairing her late-dad’s isolated and modern house. The fragile yet harmonious bond between the two is stunted when Kaia’s estranged half-sister Christine (Stephanie Ellis), followed by her uptight fiancé Ira (Brady Corbet), appear at their house unannounced in the middle of the night. As Christine’s behavior grows increasingly weird—punctuated by an unsettling titular experience—long buried traumas resurface. When one of the four house dwellers goes missing, the remaining three are forced into an intense upheaval of emotions as they try to figure everything out. Between all the weirdness, Christopher Abbott finds time for some sweet fornication, baring his beefy buns while banging his gal. Mr. Man would like to make this a threesome.