The epoch-making drama The Blue Lagoon (1980) stars ’80s icons Brooke Shields and Christopher Atkins as Emmeline and Richard, two teenage cousins marooned together on a desert island in the South Pacific during the 1800's. They've been on the abandoned island since they were children and managed to survive thanks to the ship's strict adult cook Paddy (Leo McKern). He told them all about avoiding the bad half of the island and staying away from poison berries, but never got around to the birds and the bees. He dies when they're preteens, but as the pair hits puberty they are soon subject to the biological imperative and begin an innocent sexual relationship. Discovering what they can do with each other that feels good while also discovering what's on the other side of the island, eventually Emmeline's newfound love of peen will get her knocked up. Can they stay alive while raising their own kid, or will our lagooners end up lagoners? All sorts of controversial since it first came out, plenty of fellas were dying to get into Brooke's Calvins after watching this one. But Mr. Man came away from the film looking to go on an all man-meat, Christopher Atkins diet. He can feast on us for deserted island dessert! Sure, Brooke looked great but not as good as Christopher does when he goes full frontal while swimming, flashing ass, balls, cut abs, and a thick dick that could more than do the trick. We'd be happy to teach Chris about some styles of sex that his little island girl could never compete with! So much for blue balls! Christopher Atkins' body in The Blue Lagoon will make you swoon!