The high school years are best remembered as that nostalgic time when the adolescent scholar is constantly torn between inner turmoil and outer conformity. This period of self-discovery within a pressure cooker of boiling hormones and stifling peer scrutiny is particularly tough upon the incoming freshman if she is a young lady. In other words, when a girl turns 16, she may begin to date as she enters a state of pre-womanhood. But when it comes to 15-year-old Louise Miller (Robyn Lively), reaching 16 means she will become a Teen Witch (1989). Produced to piggyback off the success of Teen Wolf (1985), this PG-13 movie poses the question: Should a budding student body be true to her sweet but under appreciated nature, or should she use her magical powers to enchant the entire campus and achieve a popularity that is the envy of all the cheerleader knockouts? Like most teen flicks, there’s a hunky high school football player to lust after. As such, the built Brad Powell (Dan Gauthier) shows off his beefy bod while working out on the field. Thanks to the afternoon sun, his sculpted chest glistens when he pulls off his jersey to do some pushups. In addition to ogling his abs, we get to glance at his shapely gams. Alas, Dan keeps his gym shorts on. Now is the time when a teen witch should use some of her magic to put a spell on this gorgeous guy so he doffs his duds for our delight. Hocus poke-us!