We're only two days into Pride Month and already we have what could be the most explosive celeb coming out moment of the decade. Where to even start. In case you've been living under a cock, Michele Morrone is the otherworldy gorgeous Italian star of the controversial (yet widely-watched) Netflix movie 365 Days. His character falls for a woman and then kidnaps her - giving her a full year to fall in love with him while trapped on his megayacht. If she doesn't fall for him, she's free to go. But it's a trick! Because who couldn't fall for this gawddamn mug.

This gawddamn bod.

This gawddamn azz.

NEW Michele Morrone Intimate Pic With Male Model Sparks Gay Rumors

She was doomed from the word abduction. Filming for the 365 Days sequel is underway, and Michele Morrone snapped a pic of himself alongside his new costar Simone Susinna. This model turned actor has dick sucking lips for days and dazzling blue eyes that pop against his brooding dark features.

What has the Internet buzzing is the intimate nature of this new picture... as well as the caption. Both Michele and Simone and shirtless as they squeeze together for a selfie. Simone's huge tan arm is wrapped firmly around Michele's sweaty hairy chest. It's... it's... it's... a Sean Cody thumbnail. As if the picture itself isn't suggestive enough, Michele captioned his Instagram post with "I'm a liar" which prompted fans to wonder if he was lying about being straight in 365 Days.

Michele has neither confirmed nor denied the new gay rumors, and while we're pretty sure this is just Michele being Michele, a blog can certainly dream...