Nick Niter is a retro porn star who may not be a household name in this day and age, but who was incredibly prolific in his heyday. Just how prolific was Nick Niter? In 1985 alone he appeared in over a dozen pornos! And get this - in 1984, Nick starred in twenty-two different pornos. No wonder why he hung up his hat in 1993. The dude was spent! Nick is giving us Chuck Norris realness, and comes complete with a sexy daddy beard, incredible tan and muscular body, and a super solid cock. We're of course checking Nick out in one of his best titles, Body Girls. Get a close-up look as he penetrates a lucky lady, who later has the pleasure of rubbing a huge load out of Nick's dick! Hopefully this historical document will keep Nick Niter's legacy of hotness alive for decades to come. Nice dick Nick!