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Kirk Douglas

Kirk Douglas Nude

Great Nudity!

Keywords: Great Nudity!, White, Brown Hair

Nude Roles: 4

Birthplace: Amsterdam, New York, US

Date of Birth: 12/09/16

Date of death: 02/05/20

Real Name: Issur Danielovitch

5 Blog Posts for this celebrity

Top Kirk Douglas Scenes

There Was a Crooked Man... (1970) Nude, butt, shirtless, balls 01:09:20 Back sack and butt from Mr. Kirk Douglas! (33 secs)
The Chosen (1977) Nude, balls, butt, penis, shirtless 00:51:44 Kirk Douglas dreams that he's running naked and we aren't dreaming when we see his cock and balls. (1 min 56 secs)
Saturn 3 (1980) Sexy, sexy, shirtless, straight 00:16:14 In space, you still have to shower. Kirk gets fantastically clean! (1 min 47 secs)
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With his cleft chin, sharply styled hair, and attractive eyes, Kirk Douglas was built for the big screen…and your fantasies. Though he looked ruggedly handsome as the titular character in the adventure drama Ulysses (1954), and he was broodingly sexy as the genius painter Vincent van Gogh in Lust for Life (1956), Mr. Man fell in love with the talented actor when he showed off his fine physique in the western flick The War Wagon (1967). Kirk had a war going in our pants when he flashed butt crack in the romantic drama The Arrangement (1969). We were glad when Hollywood arranged another look at Kirk’s flesh when he stepped up and showed butt and balls in the crazy action flick There Was a Crooked Man…(1970). Kirk’s butt made another fine appearance in the outrageous horror-filled drama Holocaust 2000 (1977). In the science-fiction drama Saturn 3 (1980), we got to see Kirk’s backside in action as he was locked in a goofy battle with Harvey Keitel. The 1984 boob tube cowboy movie Draw! gave us some distant butt from the legendary actor. And in his final nude scene, we got a brief look at Kirk’s butt while he was battling on top of a train in the gangster-flavored comedy Tough Guys (1986). While there hasn't been any more nudity in the years since you can still conjure images of this babe in your imagination. Kirk’s one tough and attractive man that has given us a lasting impression of his beautiful backside throughout the decades. Who could ask for anything more? Thank you, Mr. Douglas!


Tough Guys (1986) - as Archie Long

Draw! (1984) - as Harry H. Holland aka Handsome Harry Holland

Saturn 3 (1980) - as Adam

Nude, butt, sexy, shirtless Kirk Douglas does some sexy roughhousing. There's a bit of butt and possibly pubes from Douglas. (59 secs)

The Fury (1978) - as Peter Sandza

The Chosen (1977) - as Robert Caine

Nude, balls, butt, penis, shirtless 00:51:44 Kirk Douglas dreams that he's running naked and we aren't dreaming when we see his cock and balls. (1 min 56 secs)

There Was a Crooked Man... (1970) - as Paris Pitman, Jr.

Nude, butt, shirtless, straight 00:11:00 A sweaty peeper spies on a couple of chicks getting drunk and goofy with Mr. Kirk Douglas. Kirk briefly bares his beautiful buns when he jumps out of bed and heads to action. (1 min 7 secs)
Nude, butt, shirtless, balls 01:09:20 Back sack and butt from Mr. Kirk Douglas! (33 secs)

The Arrangement (1969) - as Eddie Anderson

Nude, butt 00:01:01 Kirk showers naked, scrubbing his buns through the clear glass. (5 secs)
Nude, butt, sexy, shirtless 00:25:23 Kirk Douglass shows his derriere when he rolls around on the shores naked with a lucky woman. (21 secs)

The War Wagon (1967) - as Lomax

Spartacus (1960) - as Spartacus

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