Want to check out some hot new things to stream right now? We've got you covered. These streamable TV shows and movies are now available for you to enjoy. You can check out the very best parts right here on Mr. Man! Check it out:

Aunty Donna's Big Ol' House of Fun is a brand new sketch comedy show on Netflix. This show is brought to us by the popular Australian sketch comedy troupe called Aunty Donna in which thethree adorableboys in the troupe live in a house together in Los Angeles and get into crazy hijinks. One of their sketches in the first episode features comedian Broden Kelly showing some plumber's crack at the doctor's office. That's big ol' ass of fun!

Now Streaming: Aunty Donna, Perdida, Dead Reckoning 11.18.20Now Streaming: Aunty Donna, Perdida, Dead Reckoning 11.18.20

Spanish Netflix series Perdida is here to give us a big win. We get introduced to Fernando Solorzano. He goes fully nude in one scene that shows off his plump peach straight to the camera. He gets out of a swimming pool naked which is when we get that sleek, wet backside of his.

Now Streaming: Aunty Donna, Perdida, Dead Reckoning 11.18.20Now Streaming: Aunty Donna, Perdida, Dead Reckoning 11.18.20

Dead Reckoning is a new film that stars K.J. Apa and features him without a shirt on. Yippy! This is available to rent on iTunes and it is worth the watch. This drama features K.J. dealing with his terrorist brother and having to choose between his family and his new girlfriend. Gripping! We're actually gripped by K.J.'s six-pack abs. Watch him work his muscles here: