We have dicks to stream, people! You read that right. We have two hot things to share with you this week that are both streaming on Netflix and both featuring penis. Invite someone over or go it alone to Netflix and chill.

First up is the obvious: Outlaw King. If you didn't know yet, you should know now that it is streaming and starring Chris Pine and his royal jewels.

Now Streaming: Warrior & Outlaw King 11.14.18Now Streaming: Warrior & Outlaw King 11.14.18

Secondly, the Danish show Warrioris streaming on Netflix and it's highly worth watching for its sexy star Dar Salim and shirtless co-star Lars Ranthe.

Now Streaming: Warrior & Outlaw King 11.14.18Now Streaming: Warrior & Outlaw King 11.14.18

But the real scene-stealer is Rudi Køhnke who makes himself a meal while his own sausage is out in the open. We can't take our eyes off his back ham!

Now Streaming: Warrior & Outlaw King 11.14.18Now Streaming: Warrior & Outlaw King 11.14.18Now Streaming: Warrior & Outlaw King 11.14.18

For an old classic featuring beefy men wearing barely anything at all, check out Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo streaming on Netflix. Get ready to laugh and drool to these hunks giving ample sexy support to Rob Schneider.

Now Streaming: Warrior & Outlaw King 11.14.18Now Streaming: Warrior & Outlaw King 11.14.18Now Streaming: Warrior & Outlaw King 11.14.18