Ah, Ash Wednesday. The first day of Lent, a stretch of time wrought with restraint and self control. While giving up something you crave for40 days and 40 nights is tought work (for those who choose to participate(, there's a group of individuals out there who have to go without for far longer: priests. And, of course, the movie Priest(1994).
It all begins with Father Greg (played by Linus Roache), a dedicated but sexually ravenous priest who has trouble with the whole celibacy thing. (Can you blame him?) He's content to hop from gay bar to gay bar, hooking up with men casually to satisfy his needs, when he meets Graham (Robert Carlyle) and falls in love.
(Are all priests this hot? I will go to mass more frequently.)
This is understandably perplexing for Greg, as he's not supposed to fall in love or have sex at all.
But what's a man to do? What's a woman to do? What is anyone to do?? The occasional stretch I find myself unintentionally celibate is always torture, and that never lasts more than a couple months. I'm sweating just thinking about it.
Alas, if you're not a priest, you probably don't have to remain celibate and won't find this movie particularly traumatizing. If you've given up sex for Lent, well . . . I wish you luck.