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Tom Wu

Tom Wu Sexy

No Nudity

Keywords: No Nudity, Asian, Black Hair


Tom Wu is a heck of a talent. At the tender age of ten, Tom began practicing various forms of martial arts, which later led to him getting involved in acrobatics. What’s most impressive about Tom is that he was able to take his butt-kicking skills and turn them into a career in the movie world. He’s made fist-flying, leg-sweeping guest appearances in the films Godfathers of Hong Kong (1991), The Wisdom of Crocodiles (1998), Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life (2003), and Batman Begins (2005). On the boob tube, Tom flaunted his mad skills in his recurring appearances on the shows Spirit Warriors and Da Vinci’s Demons. But thanks to the 2014 Netflix mini-series Marco Polo, we finally got a look at Tom’s tight body as he showcases his kung fu moves. Mr. Wu’s manly physique will wow your loins!