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The Contract

The Contract (2002)

Brief Nudity


Loose lips sink ships, or get the people you’re mad at killed. That’s the lesson Anne (Camilla Roos) learns in Contract, The (2002).  Anne is annoyed by just about everyone in her life.  Her boss is a jerk, the grocery store clerk is rude, her husband can’t stop staring at a hot waitress, and even the babysitter is getting on her last nerve.  One night after a few too many drinks, she pours out her troubles to a stranger who offers to solve her problems if she signs…wait for it…the contract.  The next day, Anne’s boss is killed and she realizes the same fate could befall everyone else she was whining about. 

There isn’t a contract for too much manudity here, but there is at least on clause to celebrate. Robert Gant plays Anne’s husband Gene and there’s no negotiating the fact that he has one heavy love scene.  While his dangling docket isn’t up for review, the camera does linger down his back to the crown of his rump which is thrusting mightily. This is the one section of the contract that isn’t breached.