I can't write about campy B-movies without including Kenneth Anger's daring and bold foray into filmmaking. I simply cannot and I won't! This is a short film, but it is definitely worth talking about so that we can talk about Kenneth Anger a little bit mas.

B-Movie Boys: Gay Schlock and Cock in Lucifer Rising

First of all, let's talk about Kenneth. If you do not know who that is, then sit down because it is time for a herstory lesson. Kenneth is most famous for writing THE gossip novel of gossip novels Hollywood Babylon. The gay and witchy Kenneth Anger grew up very close to his grandmother in California who filled his head with salacious stories about the Hollywood elites during the silent and golden eras of Hollywood. He took those stories and, well, embellished a little bit, and then he wrote them all into one book that he full-on published. Yeah, he really did that! Kenneth Anger was THAT BITCH and by THAT BITCH I mean, the really fun person to talk to at a party that you also do not want to share any personal information with because he might spread rumors about you and then write down those rumors and publish them into a book. You know...that bitch.

B-Movie Boys: Gay Schlock and Cock in Lucifer Rising

That was what he was most famous for - and trust me, Hollywood Babylon is a FUN read especially when you pair reading it with listening to episodes of You Must Remember This in which she fact-checks Anger's wild claims - but he is also often referred to as "one of America's first openly gay filmmakers". Now that is history! That also means that he was not ashamed or afraid to put his love for hot men on display. That is exactly what he did in his short flick, Lucifer Rising.

B-Movie Boys: Gay Schlock and Cock in Lucifer Rising

This movie is only 30-minutes-long and it is sort of based on Egyptian myths. In this movie, we are in the Aeon of Horniness (duh, always) in which Haydn Couts appears as our god to worship in this psychedelic film that mixes together myths and far-out imagery. Add a dash of Haydn's cock and we are IN.

B-Movie Boys: Gay Schlock and Cock in Lucifer RisingB-Movie Boys: Gay Schlock and Cock in Lucifer RisingB-Movie Boys: Gay Schlock and Cock in Lucifer Rising

Kenneth Anger was an art-house guy when it came to his films, so they weren't widely seen outside of artsy circles. It is not easy to find this film, so enjoy this little scene here: