Jesus, have you seen the sweet heat that is Kellan Lutz, Russ Russo, Elvis Nolasco, and Stephen Tyrone Williams' beautifule bare backsides? It's practically an act of war. With August on its way, Netflix is heatin' up!
Da Sweet Blood of Jesus(2014)
This romantic thriller is hard to encapsulate in a brief synopsis.Elvis Nolascoplays a grief-stricken research assistant who killsStephen Tyrone Williamswith a cursed dagger. When he commits suicide, Stephen comes back from the dead as a non-vampire with strange vampire-like qualities. If that didn't have you intrigued already, the two men both bare some serious skin in their persuit oflove, lifeand great sex.
Java Heat(2013)

Speaking of vampires, we all knowKellan Lutzfrom his role as a super sexy Emmett Cullen in Twilight, but he didn't bare more than his bulging biceps in that tween-y blockbuster. We have good news! In Java Heat, in which Mr. Muscles plays an FBI agent posing as a graduate student in Indonesia, he strips down to pretty much nothing. I mean, have you ever seen such well-defined glutes?!
An Act of War(2015)

And then there's An Act of War, a movie about a very troubled miltary veteran with a fetish for films.Russ Russostars in this post-war drama, humping both couches and human women. Whichever one he's up to, his rear looks pretty damn good.