Of late, Netflix has been slowing down on the nude-filled flicks. Its like theyre purposely trying to cock block us from enjoying male nudity. Theyre certainly not in short supply when it comes to the female variety. Regardless, we have five fine choices for you this week, each giving a healthy dose of skin and nudity fromManu Bennett,Kevin Costner,Sergio Hernndez,Danny Huston, andSeth Rogen. Three out of the five provide us with full-on cock! Amazing!
The picture speaks for itself. Manu Bennett completely nude, completely shaved, and completely hunky. If this doesnt make you want to watch Spartacus (2010), then nothing will!
Hurray along and watch Revenge (1990), because it wont be on Netflix for long. The romantic thriller does bring the thrills, and it also allows us a peek at Kevin Costners butt cheeks. Revenge is a dish best served nude!
Sergio Hernndez proves that one is never too old to embrace nudity as an actor. The fifty-some-year old heats up Gloria (2013)by flashing his cock during a steamy moment of love making his lady. Gloria is one lucky woman!
You like gangster shows set in the 50s? You love seeing dick on screen? Then youll love the television series Magic City (2012). Danny Huston steals the show with his cock-baring scene. But Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Steven Strait also add to the magic by showing ass. This is our kind of magic show!
The controversial comedy The Interview (2014)sure brings the laughs. Not only is it a funny film, Seth Rogen manages to lose his shirt to show off his hairy hunkiness. He passed the interview with flying colors!