There's something about hot nerds that just hits different. Sure, you can stick a pair of frames on a hot dude and pretend that he's a nerd, but nerdiness comes from somewhere deep within. And once you strip the shirt and pants off of a tried and true nerd, the math really starts to add up. Hit up the gallery below for ten sexy and nude celebrity nerds!

Some of the entries on this list speak for themselves. Stephen Colbert is a bespeckled news junkie. But he once revealed his hairy daddy body back when he was a comedy actor working on the cult hit comedy Central series Strangers With Candy. Anyone who follows Modern Family alum Nolan Gould on Instagram knows that he's a total nerd. Plus did you know that Nolan Gould is a member of Mensa? After all, you can't spell Mensa without Men.

What is Joe Manganiello doing on this list, you ask? He's actually a huge inner nerd! He plays Dungeons & Dragons and LARPs on the reg. They're hot. They're nerds. They're hot nerds. Get used to it.

Sexiest Celebrity Hot Nerds