If you’re only going to put one little credit on your whole acting resume, why not make it a truly memorable credit? Jack Bennett did just that with his role as “The Sailor” in a 2017 episode of the HBO series The Leftovers. Titled “It’s a Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt World,” the episode features the dark-haired, dark-browed Jack in a long scene with cheery French music and no dialogue. He’s on a submarine, shirtless in his bunk room. He strips out of his boxer shorts, making his round derriere jiggle with the action, and stands up to show he truly is naked everywhere. He also proves he engages in some nice, basic manscaping, has been working out, and that his hip dips are really very delicious. He remains naked when he knocks a fellow submarine dude out and steals his key. Still naked when he takes off at a run down the hallway, junk dangling, butt flexing as he escapes his followers. Still naked when he locks himself inside a control room. Still naked when he elegantly stretches his nude self from one end of the space to the other, in order two turn two keys at the same time (one with his foot, the other his hand). Still naked when he removes a controller from a cupboard. Still naked when he presses a dangerous looking button on top of the controller. It’s a naked, naked, naked, naked world with Jack living in it. And Mr. Man couldn’t be happier to reside there with him.