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Jael Pettigrew

Jael Pettigrew Sexy

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Keywords: No Nudity, Black, Black Hair

Top Jael Pettigrew Scenes

Ruthless (2020-2024) Sexy, prosthetic, sexy, shirtless Ep. 01x22 | 00:23:38 Jael Pettigrew can't get it up for the elderly cult momma, but we do get to see that toned torso and a glimpse at how he handles that prosthetic cock in his hands! (23 secs)
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The juicy Jael Pettigrew is new to show business, but isn't going anywhere anytime soon because he's about as sexy as they come!  Jael comes out of Hot-lanta originally and this light eyed lover boy is probably the reason the summers are so hot in the south, because those baby blues are piercing to say the least.  He got his acting education at State University of New York at Purchase, aka SUNY Purchase, and was primarily working on the stage all around the Big Apple before 2020 came along and he started getting that magnificent mug of his in front of a lens.  In 2020 alone, he got a role in the short format thriller The Slammer, but his big break comes back in his hometown of ATL.  He takes on a role of a cult member is Tyler Perry's series Ruthless, which is actually a spinoff series from The Oval.  In this dark and twisted take on the world of a cult running through and grabbing power around Atlanta, we get to see new cult member Clark (Jael Pettigrew) go through some of the pitfalls of being brainwashed by a bunch of crazies who control every aspect of your life.  He's forced to strip down by one of the senior female cult leaders who wants poor Jael to perform some sex acts on her and then subsequently humiliates him when he can't get it up!  We get a great view of this fuzzy fox with his shirt off, including a bit of side butt, but it's bad news that the giant cock in his hands is in fact just a prosthetic!  Maybe Jael will grace us with the real deal one day when his career continues to take off.