Every time Riverdale airs a new homoerotic shirtless K.J. Apa scene, I assume that the show has reached peak SeanCody and that it's all going to be downhill from there. But each time, the thirstbuckets at Riverdale somehow outdo themselves, and for this, I give #thanks. By this point the show is just plain having fun with Apa's sex appeal, and everyone seems to be in on the joke. K.J. Apa has racked up so many super gay moments on Riverdale that I'm planning on ranking them by gayness in a definitive Top Five video. No one will stop me. I am invincible!

Anyway, until we get to that, let's just go over this most recent gay ass Riverdale scene. Archie is facing off against Reggie in a homosexual log sawing competition. Both boys work up a sweat while feverishly pounding away at their girthy logs. Archie pops the top before Reggie, but both of these fine men should be proud of their wood.

What is there to say? The twenty-four-year-old Apa is a real-life daddy now, and definitely only gets hotter with age. I will always be up for seeing whatever troll-y gay shit he throws our way on the number one show for horny shirtless teens, Riverdale. In order to celebrate Apa's latest sweaty shirtless romp, I turned the scene into dazzling GIFs so you don't have to. The cameraman apparently had a hard time prying himself away from Apa's abs, so there's plenty of great content to work with here...