Mark Wahlberg turns just one year shy of fifty today, and we're celebrating his legacy of hotness with his ten sexiest on-screen moments... so far! The reason we say "so far" is that if you look on Instagram, you'll see that Mark Wahlberg is just as sexy now as he was decades ago, when we got to see his ripped jock body and oversized bulge in his iconic Calvin Klein commercials.

How he do that? Marky Mark's acting career is positively littered with sexy nude and shirtless content. He flashed his young butt way back in 1995's The Basketball Diaries, and two years later Mark cemented himself as a household name and sex symbol when he took on the salacious lead in the porn biz movie Boogie Nights. Plus in between those two projects, Mark Wahlberg went epically shirtless in Fear... leading to what may be my favorite Mark Wahlberg appearance ever. See: Porny Abercrombie realness. Hit the gallery if you want to see everything that Mark Wahlberg has to offer under his clothes!