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Mustafa Elzein

Mustafa Elzein Nude

No Nudity

Keywords: No Nudity, Black, Black Hair

Top Mustafa Elzein Scenes

Love Is___ (2018) Nude, butt, shirtless, straight Ep. 01x10 | 00:26:25 Mustafa Elzein is driving us nuts with a look at his buns. This must be what Love Is! (48 secs)
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The gorgeous Mustafa Elzein is worthy of endless praise. This brown-skinned babe sports kissable lips and a cut bod that looks like it was drawn from a fantasy. He has appeared in Cry Wolf (2014) as Mod, Sequestered (2014) as Stone, Warfighter (2018) as Pilot. He sports his bare guns in Lethal Weapon (2018) which are the real weapons! In one episode he is shirtless in bed and laying back to let us admire his black chest fuzz and the tattoo on his pec. It looks like a whole block of words, so we want to get really close to Mustafa to read - and feel - what's on his chest!  Mustafa means "The Chosen One" but for this guy, we think it might stand for "The Chosen Buns" when he gives us his Nude-Comer debut in the 2018 series Love Is__! You can fill in the blank on what follows Love Is on that one, but we're 99% sure it's Love Is Mustafa Elzein's ass!