There is always something special about Israeli eye candy like Omri Drumlevich. Maybe it's just the general tall, dark, handsomeness of a Jewish gent like him or maybe it's just that fact that he's about as scalding hot as they come, plus he's a classically trained dancer! That's right, this brooding boy toy comes our way out of Israel and has worked his way to some of the highest levels of dance around the world after graduating from the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance in 2012. He primarily worked with the world renowned Batsheva Dance Ensemble and toured with them doing everything from ballet to interpretive to modern dance. It's just a matter of time though before someone this sexy gets noticed and put on the big or small screen, and we're lucky that Omri got cast as "Mason" in the indie meta dance flick Aviva (2020). The movie follows a couple (played by four different people) and how their male/female personalities interact with each other over the course of their courtship. Lucky for us though, they cast this long and lean dream, Omri Drumlevich, as the bad boy friend of Eden, who basically cruises around New York City from one sexual conquest to another. The movie also uses a genius device of introducing each character with a full frontal shot and when Eden says who is going to be at the party, we get a brief but breathtaking view of Omri's one-eyed dangler on full display while sitting on a couch eating an apple! Hopefully this dancing dime-piece gets more screen time in the future because he's a standout in a scene full of foxy full frontal fellas!