Patria (2020) is a Spanish HBO show (from Spain itself) that takes place in the Basque Country and is based on a novel by Fernando Aramburu. There are two families who find themselves being affected by terrorism by the Basque separatist group known as ETA (that stands for Euskadi Ta Askatasuna which is the Basque language for Basque Homeland and Liberty - hey, it's history!). Two women used to be close friends, but their friendship is torn apart after the husband of one of them is killed by the terrorist group that the other one supports. Patria means homeland or country, so this political period drama that takes place in the northwestern region that spans Spain and a southern part of France explores what home and country mean in the war-torn region. It must mean something sexy because two of our hunky stars get gay and horny for each other. Hooray!Iñigo Aranbarriplays Xabier who is shirtless in one scene to show off his salt-n-pepper chest hair that matches the hunky curls on his head. Eneko Sagordoy plays Gorka whom you'll want to porka when you see him walk around shirtless and in his undies. Patria must actually mean "no pants" and "no shirt" because these guys aren't even bothering with it. We also get to see them explore their love of each other, but without seeing any actual nudity we are left wanting more. If anything, it's an act of terrorism that they do not go nude for the camera.