Comedian and chameleon Sacha Baron Cohen is always surprising audiences. He is the kind of guy who completely loses himself in his characters, often tricking innocent people into believing that he IS the ridiculous character he is portraying. From Borat to Bruno, Sacha can do it all.

Sacha Baron Cohen Plays A Serious Role and Gets Seriously Sexy Doing It

Sacha Baron Cohen Plays A Serious Role and Gets Seriously Sexy Doing It

So it was totally shocking in a different way that he decided to take on a serious role in Netflix's The Spy. Not only that, but he is playing real-life Israeli spy Eli Cohen. It's absolutely a drama. There's not a hint of hilarity in this series and Sacha throws himself into the role perfectly. He does an incredible job and even shows his ass twice.

Sacha Baron Cohen Plays A Serious Role and Gets Seriously Sexy Doing It

Damn, Sacha looks better than ever! Serious Sacha is seriously sexy.

Sacha Baron Cohen Plays A Serious Role and Gets Seriously Sexy Doing It

This is really intriguing. Maybe this is the direction the rest of Sacha's career will go in. Mr. Man definitely supports that!

Sacha Baron Cohen Plays A Serious Role and Gets Seriously Sexy Doing It