Already a pseudo spy himself from his years of dressing up as crazy characters to play pranks on unsuspecting citizens, in 2019 Sacha Baron Cohen set out to show his dramatic side with Netflix's espionage thriller The Spy (2019). Based on a true story, Baron Cohen plays Eli Cohen, an Egyptian Army reject who takes a gig as an Israeli spy. His cover involves pretending to be an Argentinean businessman named Kamel Amin Thaabeth who is desperate to return to his home nation of Syria after getting bored of making all the bucks. At first, it's a pretty cushy job since he just pretends to be a rich dude that ends up hanging out with the high ups of Syria's social scenes. But eventually, he meets some government types who appoint him the Deputy Defense Minister, and the tension really ratchets up. Most famously, Eli will come up with a clever plan to plant some specific trees outside of the most important defense buildings, but he'll also end up in the dirt himself when the Syrians figure out what's going on and hang him. But is he hung? Okay, it's not as overtly sexy as the fake spy stuff you usually see on TV, but it's not like Mr. Baron Cohen wasn't showing some skin. Sacha Baron Cohen in a serious role?! We know, but he knocks it out of the park and his ass ain't bad either! Seriously sexy, get a load of Sacha and Nassim Si Ahmed hanging out together in a sauna and steam bath. Eventually, the towels come off and both our spy and the dude hot on his tail show that both of them are long, lean and tight in the tail! No, they're not having sex, but it sure looks like they're considering it! We spy with our little eye two amazing asses!