The smash hit French crime drama Braquo aired from 2009 to 2016 and marked one of Canal Plus' biggest successes. It even outcompeted the American shows the channel was previously known for airing, which was a huge deal at the time. The show follows four Parisian police officers who work alongside a dear friend named Max Rossi (Olivier Rabourdin). Despite being a standup guy and a great cop, Max ends up accused of criminal misconduct and is so disturbed by the baseless accusations that he kills himself. Eddy Caplan (Jean-Hugues Anglade), Walter Morlighem (Joseph Malerba), Theo Vachewski (Nicolas Duvauchelle) and Roxanne Delgado (Karole Rocher) are shocked, saddened, and above all else obsessed with clearing his name. The problem is, they're so upset by his being falsely accused of being a crooked cop that they decide they might as well break bad and do the kind of criminal stuff he was accused of doing. Crossing the "yellow line," the gang decide they're not going to play by the rules anymore to clear the name of their friend who did. Praised for its grit and sometime horrific portrayals of hyper-violence, there are some good, dirty scenes from our Paris Police Officers who are unafraid of getting their hands dirty! Your hands will be rubbing the outside of certain areas of your pants as you enjoy both Olivier Rabourdin and Jean-Hugues Anglade going full frontal. Oliver climbs out of bed and answers the phone. Not happy with what he is told, he walks around the room completely nude while smoking a cigarette and letting us check out his ass and schlong. Call us, Olivier! Meanwhile, Jean-Hugues starts off with us checking out that booty while he is in the shower. When he gets out and dries off, we catch a glimpse of his man-weapon while he wraps himself in a towel. These two officers are packing some serious heat! Even for a French TV show, Braquo upped the status quo for nudity!