King Louis XIV ruled France for 72 years, but it wasn't all lollipops and sunshine for the dude known as "The Sun King." At one point, when Louis was a relatively young 28 years old, much of the country's nobility was fighting the monarchy as a whole. Not content to lose his throne, Louis was like, "Nope," and moved the nobles to Versailles, where he hoped to build the greatest castle ever. Combine the increasingly angry inhabitants of said castle with a dwindling bank account and you have some serious First World, 17th Century Probs. The French-UK-Canadian co-production Versailles tells the story of this time in his life, and although Louis made French the national language, the series is filmed in English—which means we can spend less time looking at subtitles and more time looking at George Blagden's perfect butt. George plays King Louis himself, a dude dealing with an enormous Civil War who decides to head home to his favorite ornate hunting lodge. There he hangs with his brother Philippe (Alexander Vlahos) and screws his bro's wife (Noemie Schmidt) which is cool because Philippe's gay and in love with Chevalier (Evan Williams). It's a skin-skin win-win. Meanwhile, Louis' wife Marie-Therese (Elisa Lasowski) is popping out half black babies, there's a Dutch spy kicking around the place and poisoning people, the man in the iron mask is being locked away, the Papacy is annoyingly not doing what Louis wants, and he's always about to make being a Protestant illegal in France no matter how many times his court tries to convince him that's a bad idea. But don't forget the palace skintrigue! The Sun King was an absolute sex machine who sunk his French Frank into any woman he could, so it might not surprise you that George Blagden shows all sorts of butt in bed with all sorts of ladies. He's thrusting between all sorts of thighs in every room of Versailles! But he's not the only hot piece of ass in the palace. His TV brother Alexander Vlahos is always flashing ass while having sex with the equally nude Evan Williams. An ornate palace filled with fancy furnishings? Of course there was going to be gay action! Alex even makes out with Mark Rendall, just to mix things up! Plus, Rory Keenan shows his keister in bed with a woman! Someone invent a time machine, there are so many hot guys in Versailles!