Everyone and their DILF is talking about the new Hulu series exploring Tommy Lee and Pamela Anderson's infamous relationship. But the tabloids have even more to talk about now that a handful of cast photos have hit the Internet! The miniseries is called Pam & Tommy, and, in a surprising casting twist, Lily James is taking on the role of Pamela Anderson. Color us skintrigued! Here's a pic of Lily doing her best Pamela:

But here at Mr. Man, we're more interested in the man bringing Tommy Lee to life on the small screen. The in-demand Sebastian Stan recently made waves for making his frontal debut in Monday. And of course he stars in the hit Disney+ series The Falcon and The Winter Soldier. In addition to these headline-grabbing roles, Sebastian Stan will portray Tommy Lee in Pam & Tommy. Who would have THOT! Anyone skeptical that the clean-cut Sebastian Stan can live up to wild child Tommy Lee's legacy of debauchery need only see these new pics to have their fears asuaged.

Sebastian Stan is serving Tommy Lee realness, complete with a tatted torso and nipple rings! Are you digging the new Sebastian Stan lewk? If he gets even half as nude in Pam & Tommy as he does in Monday, it's a yes from me...