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Tremayne Norris

Tremayne Norris Sexy

No Nudity

Keywords: No Nudity, Black, Black Hair

Top Tremayne Norris Scenes

Double Cross (2020) Sexy, shirtless
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We weren't sure that they could pile sexy this high without it toppling over from the sheer weight of pec muscles presented on top of Tremayne Norris. but he pulls it off somehow!  Tremayne got his start on the TV set back in a 2013 episode of Who the (Bleep) Did I Marry?.  He followed that up on the acclaimed but short lived TV series The Heart the following year, which proved to be a banner year for "Tre" as he was also cast in his first feature film Thick (2014) as well as taking on the lead role in the TV show Chocolate City.  He starred as the lead on that show for a few years but the mainstream came a calling for this sexy 6'1" stud and he took on a brief role on the award winning series House of Cards in 2018, which also proved to be a pivotal year for his on screen time because he also was in Deadly Sexy (2018) and Anacostia, where he had a 20 episode character arc on the DC based drama.  He comes our way though on the 2020 series Double Cross, where he plays Dr. Cintron Morris and he's just about the sexiest doctor we've ever seen in our lives and would definitely let him run a whole gamut of tests on us, including trying to find our prostates, which we no doubt know he'd be able to hit after seeing a glimpse of that bulge in his scrubs!  Hopefully we get some more of Tremayne in our lives in the near future because he's a stone cold fox and a feast for the eyes!