Spoiler alert: this week we have sexy asses and even dick on the boob tube. Grab some lube and check out Mr. Man's picks for the hottest nude men on TV this week.

TV Nudity Report: Watchmen and The Oval 12.9.19

Tom Mison shows his ass in Watchmen when he and Dr. Manhattan stand before a castle and admire it from a distance. We're admiring this beautiful pair of buns!

TV Nudity Report: Watchmen and The Oval 12.9.19TV Nudity Report: Watchmen and The Oval 12.9.19

TV Nudity Report: Watchmen and The Oval 12.9.19

Yahya Abdul-Mateen II shows his muscular ass in a long scene where he walks naked. It's almost two minutes of Yahya walking nude and showing the camera his muscular seat meat. At the end of the scene, you even see dick!

In The Oval this week, Russell Charles Pitts hangs out in a redlit scene where he sits back shirtless and shows off his gorgeous chest. Ooolala look at the pecs on Pitts!

TV Nudity Report: Watchmen and The Oval 12.9.19