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Public Swervice Announcement! Robert Pattinson turns thirty seven years old today, May 13ths 2023, and we're cele-'bating the only we know how. Oops, we've said too much. We feel that it is our duty to pop on here every once in a while to remind you that the sexy and gorgeous actor Robert Pattinson did in fact actually masturbate on screen. Yes we have a Robert Pattinson jerk off video.

Of course, you might be thinking that his real masturbation scene went down in the hit 2019 indie The Lighthouse. And you'd be partially right. Here, a ripped Pattinson shows off his butt while furiously rubbing his hand up and down his hard penis.

Robert Pattinson Jerk Off Scene In The Lighthouse

Um, Remember When Robert Pattinson Actually Masturbated On Screen?

In this scene he's actually masturbating to a crude mermaid figurine, which just shows how primed and pumped Pattinson is. Anything turns this man on! While Robert Pattinson's masturbation scene from The Lighthouse might be his hottest, he doesn't actually masturbate here. It's all movie magic. (Even though you'll swear it's real!)

Robert Pattinson Jerk Off Scene In Little Ashes

The same can't be said for Robert Pattinson's jack off scene in 2008's Little Ashes. We don't see as much of Pattinson's sexy body here, but, according to the actor himself, he really did masturbate to completion in Little Ashes:

[Faking it] just doesn’t work. so I pleasured myself in front of the camera. My orgasm face is recorded for eternity.

Um, Remember When Robert Pattinson Actually Masturbated On Screen?

Um, Remember When Robert Pattinson Actually Masturbated On Screen?

We have to add that Pattinson has a history of trolling the media, so who knows if he embellished this story or not. Either way, the ageless heartthrob looks good doing anything, so we'll certainly take these scenes of him pleasuring himself. Sorry Bella, you're not needed for this.