We Have Video Of Robert Pattinson Actually Masturbating In Gay Movie

If you're a fan of Robert Pattinson then you know he's no stranger to touching himself on screen. In fact last year he went lowkey viral for jerking off to a mermaid figurine in the arthouse movie The Lighthouse with Willem Dafoe. That scene in particular is hot because we get some awesome looks at Pattinson's shredded bod and even his hot ass!

We Have Video Of Robert Pattinson Actually Masturbating In Gay Movie

But did you know Robert Pattinson has another masturbation scene from 2018? And that he claimed in an interview he actually touched himself and orgasmed in the scene? It all went down in the 2008 movie Little Ashes, in which Pattinson plays Salvador Dalí. Javier Beltrán plays his gay love interest, and in one scene Pattinson watches Beltrán having sex with a woman while touching himself. The camera focuses on Pattinson's face as he presumably cums in his pants.

But here's the tea. After the release of Little Ashes Pattinson did an interview in which he claimed he actually orgasmed on camera! Must have left the wardrobe department in a sticky situation.

[Faking it] just doesn’t work. so I pleasured myself in front of the camera. My orgasm face is recorded for eternity.

Now, Pattinson has a history of exaggerated storytelling, so we don't know for certain that Robert Pattinson is actually procreating with himself in this scene. But just the thought of it being true is pretty damn hot!