On the latest episode of The White Lotus, Lukas Gage and his screen partner Murray Bartlett shocked (but more so delighted!) fans by delivering the rare small screen rimjob scene. In fact their rimjob moment could even rival Allison Williams and Ebon Moss-Bachrach's iconic ass-eating scene on Girls.

Yeah, it's that good. But you're not here for a history in television ass eating (however, if you are, check out Kelner Macêdo and Felipe Frazão in Todxs Nós, Jonathan Groff and Michael Rosen in Looking: The Movie, and Charlie Hunnam and Aidan Gillen in Queer As Folk), you're here because you're a fan of the hot jock Lukas Gage and the super sexy daddy Murray Bartlett, and you want your serving of veggies. In the form of some good ol' fashion salad tossing!

On The White Lotus, Murray Bartlett plays a hotel manager named Armond who has an eye for one of his employees, Dillon, played by Lukas Gage. Emboldened by drugs and booze, Armond hits on Dillon, and convinces him to party in his orifice together. I mean office! But the two are exposed when another employee accidentally walks in on them.

What You Need To Know About Lukas Gage's Ass Eating Scene On The White LotusWhat You Need To Know About Lukas Gage's Ass Eating Scene On The White Lotus

Interestingly, this reveal originally called for a generic sex scene, but Lukas and Bartlett pushed for something more suggestive. Lukas told The AV Club about his ass eating intervention with the series creator:

We said, 'Wouldn’t it be more interesting if [Dillon’s] getting his salad tossed? I mean, how often do we see that on TV?' I think it's much more interesting and more jarring to walk in on.

What we're really loving is how cheeky Lukas Gage is following the Internet's reaction to his rimjob shot. He even playfully told The AV Club:

I can’t wait for my ass to get retweeted all over the Internet!

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