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Michael Rosen

Michael Rosen Nude

Brief Nudity

Keywords: Brief Nudity, White, Asian, Black Hair

Nude Roles: 2

Birthplace: New York City, New York, US

AKA: Michael Hsu Rosen

4 Blog Posts for this celebrity

Top Michael Rosen Scenes

Looking: The Movie (2016) Nude (Michael Rosen) , butt, gay, sexy, shirtless 00:17:37 Our last chance to check out the Looking boys brings plenty to look at as Jonathan Groff eats out Michael Rosen before pounding him from behind! Way to go out with a BANG! (1 min 6 secs)
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Take one long and lustful look at the cutie patootie Michael Rosen and you'll see why he's one of Mr. Man's favorite men to keep a fleshy eye on. Michael looks as sweet as the boy next door, but this actor has a naughty side. He has starred in The Empty Building (2004), Food of Love (2012), Taxi Brooklyn (2014), and Live From Lincoln Center (2015) as himself. He delights us in Looking: The Movie (2016) when he plays Jimmy, a young gay man who is finding his way through San Francisco. He shares a sexy love making scene with his partner where he lies in bed naked on his back. The pair share kisses before his partner grabs Michael's buns and goes to town on his ass. Michael is clearly a star on the rise! And our pants can attest to his ability to make things rise! If you simply can't get enough of this hottie, you can find him in flicks like Dating My Mother (2017), Lavender (2019), After Class (2019), Nora Highland (2019), Listen (2022), and many others. If you prefer watching Michael looking sexy (albeit clothed) on the boob tube, you can see him in shows like Jessica Jones, Monsterland, Tiny Pretty Things, The Good Doctor, Pretty Smart, and Glamorous. With any luck, Michael Rosen will show us his rosy butt cheeks, balls, or dong in the very near future. When and if that blessed day comes, the flesh fiends of the world will be coming too!